COVID-19 Update
We, along with many of our customers and suppliers, have faced challenges over the last few months that none of us could have foreseen.
Our approach to Covid-19 has been in accordance with Government and Industry Guidelines and we continue to review any changes to this Guidance to ensure our staff and site visitors remain safe.
Our external Health and Safety Consultant has undertaken a risk assessment which has looked at the principal controls that need to be put in place across all parts of the business. Management are being pro-active about checking that these measures are in place and that all staff are doing their best to adhere to them at all times.
We have made refinements to our existing protocols around site hygiene, entrances/exit points, areas where workers may be working closer together and communal areas such as toilets, changing rooms and other welfare facilities.
Extra cleaning materials and hand sanitising gels are freely available for staff to use, in addition to the general cleaning regimes in place in the factory and offices.
We are constantly in touch with our employees to ensure they only come to work if they are feeling fit and well. Staff have been asked to report any symptoms or household/family related matters as soon as possible, so we can then decide what action is required.
Any concerns or queries that our staff have can be openly discussed and resolved where necessary.
As the advice from Government changes over time, the company will do its best to ensure our staff and site visitors remain safe and secure from Covid-19.
The principal contact for any external agencies is the business owners, Marc Burrows and Craig Burrows.